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Customer Questions

When will items be shipped?

Please allow up to 10 business days from date of order for items go arrive. Some products may take slightly longer. Most orders will arrive well before this time period.  Please allow 1 – 3 business days for processing.  Products will be shipped via USPS ground shipping after the processing period.

Can I buy items in bulk/wholesale?

Yes you can!

For more information regarding bulk/wholesale pricing please contact us using the wholesale contact form by clicking HERE

Do I need a PayPal account?


All payments are processed through PayPal.  BUT once you are redirected to the PayPal page for checkout you DO have the option to pay with any major credit card.

Why does the Checkout process bring me to a PayPal page?

In order to process ALL payments securely, we are using the PayPal service.  PayPal is our way of guaranteeing a safe and world recognized purchasing environment.

Although we are using PayPal to process payments, Customers are able to use any major credit card to make purchases.