Vision Coach. PR Maven. Entrepreneur . CANCER SLAYER.
Timea definitely represents #BlackGirlMagic to the tee. Perusing thru social media accounts, you are sure to be amazed. You’ll find Timea giving inspirational talks about marketing/strategic communication , promoting her ‘Fight After The Fight’ campaign (which brings awareness to the ongoing fight we fight AFTER breast cancer) or advocating for ‘SheROCKs’ one of the nation’s capitol’s fastest growing Women’s History Month events that celebrates women as culture curators, innovative artists and industry moguls changing the world . She is much more than a cancer survivor although that is one of the titles she is most proud of. I sat down with Timea to find out what #SLAYCancer means to her:
“Slay Cancer to me means that we stop empowering the disease by giving thought to the idea that it can control our lives. If we empower ourselves by killing negative self talk and doubt of survival throughout our cancer process, then we can #SlayCancer. I continue to #SLAYCancer with my faith in God played a significant role in me slaying cancer. I chose to believe that God would heal me, I chose to focus on positive thoughts, and I chose not to disclose my process to everyone. I was intentional about who spoke about my situation and that in turn affected the outcome.”
Thank You Timea for continuing to remain the BOSS BABE that you are, even while dealing with a serious illness such as cancer. Your positive motivation and desire to empower other cancer survivors like myself, is what makes you a CANCER SLAYER.