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Tag - slaying cancer

The Fight Doesn’t End In October

The Fight Doesn't End In October

OCTOBER 1- OCTOBER 31: “it’s Pinktober!, all pink everything, pink ribbons everywhere, 1 in 8 women, 1 in 100 men, check your breasts, get your annual mammogram, don’t forget your all pink outfit, pinkpinkpinkpinkpinkkkkkk” NOVEMBER 1- “Time for…

Caribbean dishes helped me #SlayCancer


After my #BreastCancer diagnosis , I assumed I would be put on a strict bland food and water diet (to a #CaribbeanGirl that’s like a death sentence – we love our spicy, well seasoned food!) But doing some…

Save the tatas. Breastfeed.

Slay Cancer

In honor of #BlackBreastFeedingWeek I wanted to drop some #SlayCancer knowledge for you! Yes, breastfeeding serves as a natural bonding experience between mother and child as well as provide optimal nutritional benefits for the offspring, but breastfeeding isn’t…

The #SLAYCancer mission statement!

Slay Cancer

What it means to #SLAYCancer:  

Preventative Cancer Care for your SKIN!!!

Slay Cancer

Do you really know what’s in your bath and body care products? What you don’t know could hurt you. Nearly 20% of personal-care products contain at LEAST one chemical linked to #cancer?! Studies have shown that toxic ingredients and cancer…

Young Women Dont Get Breast Cancer *rolls eyes*

Support Groups

L I E S!!!!!!!!!!! L I E S!!!!!!!!!!! and more L I E S This weekend I attended my first YOUNG Survival Coalition meetup. The organization was founded in 1998 by 3 young woman who were under the age…

Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup- #SlayCancer Edition

Slay Cancer

The festive holiday season always gets me excited for 2 things: family time and food! I’ve decided to make a dish that spices up a typical Thanksgiving ingredient with some Caribbean flavor to share with my “Cancer Slayers”.…

The Last Day of Chemo(LDC) Capsule Collection 2021

Slay Cancer

Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of my LAST DAY of CHEMO and I can now officially say I am Cancer- FREE!!!!!! (Woo-hooooo…It’s a celebration bitches!!!!!) Whether or not you have cancer, there is always a reason to…

5 year Cancerversary = CANCER-FREE !!!!!!

Slay Cancer

 5 years- 60 months, 260 weeks 1825 days, 43800 hours, 2628000 minutes, 157680000 seconds of #NoChemo. This five year milestone is something I’ve been waiting on, well, for five years! I.am.officially. CANCER- FREE!!!!  The American Cancer Society clinically…


Product Review

There has been some silver linings in the breast cancer clouds I’ve had to endure. One of these is a desire to be proactive with my health and wellness. I am learning how to make more informed choices…